Saturday, January 26, 2008

Guess I Really Am Busy....

It was just pointed out to me that I made a major typo on my new blog page... I never saw it. I wonder if anyone else will.
I had my Pampered Chef party tonight. It was lots of fun. (You can tell that I am new to this blogging thing - I FORGOT TO TAKE PICTURES!!!) I have no idea how exactly the sales are going... but I hope good because I have a long wish list. We had several couples over and then a mom with her daughter. One couple is even thinking of going into the business! And another couple is *I think* thinking of hosting a party?? I really liked the dynamic of the men there... plus I liked them being able to hang out with each other. Women are good at making sure they have plenty of time for their friends... but men - not so much. Well, either it's all friend time and no family or the other way around.... don't know many men who know how to make the balance.
My house is clean... furniture is back in place... and I am headed off to bed....

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