Saturday, December 27, 2008

Who's With Me???

On my list of blogs that I read is Beth Moore... yep, Beth Moore has a blog. On her latest blog she has posted a challenge. (If that link doesn't work then look for her blog here on mine (list bottom right of the page)... and find the blog that is titled, "Anyone Game?"

Basically the challenge is: Memorize 2 scriptures a month. On the first and the 15th of each month... you pick a scripture that is calling to you - and you meditate on that scripture for the next 15 days... yes, you choose the scripture (You'll most easily memorize what means most to you.) - I will post a blog and you type the scripture you are led to memorize in the comments...

This looks interesting. I have been saying for a really long time that I need to buckle down and get serious about this ... I *say* I want a relationship with Jesus but really how much effort am I willing to put into that relationship??? Not much lately.... :-(

So, I am calling you to join me... one because it would be more fun with others... and two because I need the help of my sisters to keep me accountable.... (never thought I would say that one)...

From her blog:
The whole purpose of the process is to take our minds captive to the knowledge of Christ and demolish strongholds or nip potential ones in the proverbial bud. As long as those Scriptures are rolling around in your head, your mind is being held captive to Christ-centered thoughts and led away from destructive or carnal thoughts whether or not you're getting the words in the exact right order. At least three huge things happen when we memorize: our brains are bathed. Our brains are sharpened. Our ammunition is loaded.

There are more tips on her blog about how to memorize... and about the challenge...

SO - who's with me???


Iloveaussies said...

that's a good idea. I have tried to do that before. I should try harder

sharkiepatronus said...

I'm down!

Jenny said...

I totally read LPM blog about 30 minutes ago and commented that I'm in!

Looking forward to it! 0 down 24 to go.

Nicky Stade said...

Okay, here's the deal...I just told Jenn this afternoon that I wasn't going to do it because I'm already memorizing scriptures with my kids. The boys have to memorize a new scripture every 5 days of Sonlight (which can be a week or two in actual time) and then Emily has one she has to memorize each month for Rainbows. Plus now Royal Rangers has the boys memorizing another scripture each month, and of course that means I'm working on it with all of them (I mean, Emily can't read yet, you know? LOL).

So I was using that as an excuse...I just can't memorize ANOTHER one!! ;o) But, Jenn said I could "cheat" and just say that those were my scriptures for the week. Do you think that would count??? HAHAHAHA!!

(I'm only sorta kidding...let me know...ROFL)

Anonymous said...

I'm in Cassi!
Here's my memorization scripture:

Romans 12:9
Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil; cling to what is good.

I'v ebeen reading Romans so picked a verse from there. Thanks for the invite!

Nicky, I think you're all good "using" the kids scriptures!
lol, Yvonne :)

Anonymous said...

Okay, totally late I'm sorry but really wanted to meditate on what verse I was going to memeorize. This has always been a favorite of mine so am getting this in my brain & heart over the next twoish weeks! I'm kicking it up a notch!

Galatians 6: 8-10
For the One who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary. So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, & especially those who are of the household of the faith.
