Monday, December 8, 2008

My Body Won....

well - sorta...

I have been sick since before Thanksgiving... maybe it was even the week before that - I don't remember... and I have been pushing my self to go and do... I did that for 2 reasons: 1. I had a lot to do. 2. I thought that if I keep up and going and don't give in then I will eventually feel better.

And I have had days where I did feel better - but mainly because I was on drugs that masked the symptoms and gave me energy. But, today I just had to give in. I don't work at the church today ... just had Taco Bell deliveries - so I called in. I hate to do that because I know that the area manager then has to do the deliveries and he has lots to do himself... but I just had to. Every inch of my body hurts...

I'm trying to hurry and get some housework done (I can't rest in a messy home) so I can go and rest....

Jake has been fed and schoolwork done... clean dishes put away... cleaned out the fridge and washed those containers... picked up here and there in the house.... gonna go now and fold a pile of towels...

But I think I will heat up my tea first....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

God is amazing for giving humans brains! then using those brains to create drugs that make us feel better and fight off illnesses! (:

i hope you recover soon (: