Friday, May 30, 2008

Decisions... Decisions...

Well... where to begin ...

We will start with my good friend Nicky giving me the book - The Bait of Satan. I have been wanting to read the book for a while now ... the title is catchy and I was intrigued to find out just what the bait is. And as God's timing is always perfect - the book was handed over to me just at the right time.... just as I was playing around with the bait... nibbling on the bait... thinking very seriously of biting. But - since I had not read the book or found out what the bait was - I had no idea that that was what I was doing. I was seeking wise counsel... it didn't sound right - but it sounded righteous.

So, I get the book ... and then right on the cover it says what the bait is. Being Offended. Uggghhh. I no longer wanted to read the book. But I have begun... and wouldn't you know it - not one but 2 chapters on the very offense I have been dealing with.

Uggh again!!! Man this meat is tough to chew!!! But I have decided... that no matter how good the bait looks and maybe even tastes - I will not bite. Furthermore, I will prosper where I am planted. Just read this great line today: "Trees endure the hot sun and rainstorms by sending their roots down deeper." It doesn't say they pull up their roots and run... it doesn't cry or weep or moan... or bash another tree down ... or even hide behind another tree.... it simply says it stands in it's place and sends its roots down deeper.

I have been seeking God ... over an over about all of this... and was getting nothing. The book actually talked about that as well - that that most likely means that He wants you to DO nothing. You know nothing is not easy for me to do ... but since I decided to let it go - a huge weight was lifted and joy returned. Really what else could I do? I let my opinion be known... but after that, what really can I do about it? Submission is really a good feeling...
So, there is #1....

#2 - Since someone in Texas will soon be receiving their financial freedom (oh wait, was that biting the bait?) .. Let me rephrase that ... since our income will be lessened soon by the loss of child support income .... and we are already strapped for money.... and the phone will NOT stop ringing... and I can not possibly ask my husband to work any more hours (he would - but it's simply not possible since he already works 66 hours a week)... I must get an additional job. We have been talking at the church about the possibility of opening up a daycare center - the need is great. It would be a perfect job for me - one that enables me to continue to homeschool Jake in the fall like I want. I have been looking into the requirements .... oh geez the red tape you have to go through.... certifications... inspections.... conferences... paperwork, paperwork, paperwork... It's all doable ... but it all takes time. Open without doing all of that and it's a $200 a day fine. So, if that happens it will not be overnight.

I ran into Yvonne (our fabulous Pampered Chef lady) the other day... and we were talking... and I do know she makes money at what she does while still being around for her kids.. so I have decided to sign up. Yep.... I'm your new Pampered Chef consultant.... I labored over the decision... Carol just recently signed up - would we be competing for people??? Would anyone want me instead of Yvonne??? I don't know the answer to either of those questions... but I have to do something to bring in money. I do love the product... should be easier to sell than candles...

So, there is #2....

There is other stuff going on ... that is really fighting to steal the joy that I just received... honestly, the bait was presented like an hour later after I had made decision #1. GRRRRRR..... dang satan.... (spell check says I should capitalize that.. I don't think so) But thank you Jesus... I think it is working out... this one regards the soon to be 18 yr old and the family in Texas that is trying to tell him that he no longer needs to be under my authority... (and then attempted to give me parenting advise.) He swears he is telling them that is not right - that he does and is under my authority as long as he lives here.... but I don't know.... I think I'm gonna let John deal with this one.


Jen said...
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Nicky Stade said...

Congratulations on your new "job"! When can I host a party?? =D

As for all the other stuff...yeah, satan sucks.

Alexis said...

Yay for spitting out bait. And Yay for having my very *own* pampered chef lady (and if you need anything for a show you don't have, theres a good chance Nicky or I do and you are welcome to mine!)Oh, and no sister-in-law just asked about getting a lemon juicer so... first order!

And that last's just ucky. That is not a typo by the's ucky.

Iloveaussies said...

I really love the tree example. It's very simple but so true