Friday, October 31, 2008


Wow - what an amazing night!!! Everyone came out, decorated their cars - really got into the fun of being around children... handed out tons of candy...gave away free snowcones and burritos from Taco Bell... and SHARED THE GOSPEL!!!

We had 6 stations set up where the Wordless Book was shared one color at a time.... Gold for the streets of Gold in Heaven... then onto the dark page - where you were told, Heaven sounds great but we can't go there because there is sin in our lives... oh but wait, there IS a way - onto the red page.... where they learned of the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross for their sin....(at this stop there were huge crowds - asking questions and wanting to know more...) down the lane a bit more to the white page where they learned that Jesus rose again on the third day and wants to invite us into His family!!!... (at this stop - they were offered the chance for salvation ... and over 100 accepted!!!!) .... then on to the green page where they learned how to grow in Christ.... then finally on to the blue page where our Helper the Holy Spirit was waiting to wrap it all up....

Again .... what an amazing night... THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU - for those of you who came out and was a part of this event.... your participation helped change someone's life.

1 comment:

Alexis said...

I'm already planning my trunk for next year ;)