Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Mom back in the Hospital

Well, my mom had her gallbladder (finally) removed last week. She went home the next day and was in quite a bit of pain from the surgery but seemed like she was finally on her way to recovery on Sunday night... or was it Monday night.

Anyway - she called me yesterday morning to rush over there that she was having different pain and it was terrible. She had so much gas that I thought she might explode... and honestly I thought at that time she might be exaggerating the pain a bit much. The pain grew and grew - we called her surgeon and he said get her to the ER now. She didn't think she could walk to the car and for whatever reason her senior bldg doesn't have a wheelchair for cases like this - so here comes the ambulance.

So, at the ER the surgeon came to see her and said that he thinks that the gas is not a simple case of indigestion but a symptom of something else. He believed that she had pancreatitus (inflammation of the pancreas) but he needed to find out why. His best guess was that a stone was loose and lodged in one of the ducts causing all the problems. If that was the case - simple fix go in with a scope and retract the stone. So we waited for blood work to confirm that she did have pancreatitus and a CT scan to confirm the stone.

Blood work confirmed pancreatitus but CT scan does not confirm the stone. So, now she is admitted - waiting for the surgeon and gastro docs to confer and figure out what their next step is.

Pancreatitus in itself is not serious - but if not fixed can lead to serious problems.... so thanks for the prayers already said and any more you can offer.

I will update when I know more...