Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Lessons I'm Learning

Catching up on my weekly Bible study. Man I love Beth Moore. She is able to put things in a way that is so understandable. Thank you Lord for blessing her with that gift.

Several things really stood out to me on this weeks study.

Psalm 131: Referring to ourselves as a weaned child. Weaning back in that time usually happened around age 3. So a child of this age was able to walk on their own... taking steps into a direction they choose... but was also one who would return to the safety of their parent when it was time for rest. God's goal is not children scared into silence but those who trust their parent even with unanswered questions. Psalm 131 reminds us that the word of God is not primarily for seminaries, dissertations, and theological treatments. They are primarily for everyday living on the third rock from the sun. Her conclusion: Scripture is not for how you do church - it is for how you do life.

Lord, I am not you or like you. I am not great nor can I perform miracles. Instead I am like a young child beginning to make my way and taking my own steps but always returning to you for safety and love. I am at peace in your arms.

Psalm 132: David messed up big time. He relied on his own understanding instead of seeking God's divine wisdom. And he (well, his friend) paid for it. Suddenly God didn't "behave" like David thought He should. God did something that seemed out of character. Even terrifying. But through this and the decision that David made following this - David learned a big lesson. Obedience pays off. David then decided that he will not always understand God or his behavior - but he does not want to be apart from Him. David sought after God and asked Him to reside with him. David then learned that God cannot abide near you without blessing you.

Dear Lord, remember me and all of my suffering. I desire for you to dwell here - in my house - in my heart. I can not rest until you do. Allow this place to be a place that you rest and pour out your blessings but also a place where you show your strength. Let us do what is right. Let us sing for joy.

I pray that these are not lessons I have to learn the hard way.... that I can be smart enough to read the scripture and learn from the mistakes of the past.... and not destined to repeat them.

Anything you have learned lately that you would like to share?


Nicky Stade said...

I am behind on my homework, and a little nervous about leading tonight because of it. Vacations always seem to throw me off that way! =) Thanks for giving me something to look forward to as I play catch-up as best I can this afternoon!

Nicky Stade said...

Thanks for sharing again last night. It takes a lot of courage to get up in front of people and talk about how God is changing your life, because it usually involves revealing weaknesses. I'm impressed by your transparency. (HUG)