Monday, July 7, 2008


Yay!! I finished the entire Stepping Up study.... even going back and doing the ones I had missed. Wow what an incredible study it has been...

We are asked on the last day of study what our fear is now that this journey comes to an end... mine? - That I will eat the seeds and not sow them - or allow them to be sowed into my furrowed back.

I so want to believe the prosperity preachers that say that God will give you everything you ask for. But diving into this study I am reminded that that is not true. God's giving is conditional.

That takes some people by surprise and they say, "How can that be? God is giving by nature... if He loves us then He wants to give us good things and make us happy."

Well, that is true - BUT... again it is all conditional.

"Wait. I thought we were not saved by our deeds but by grace. You're saying that we have to work for his love?"

Oh no... don't get me wrong - we are loved unconditionally... and are in fact saved by grace.... but His blessing - that is conditional.

"Oh jeez... so how many hours of service do I have to give? What do I have to sacrifice to be blessed?"

What we have to give is so small that it could never be called a sacrifice. But hours? He doesn't ask for hours - he asks for a lifetime.

"What could we possibly possess that could be of any value to the Creator of Heaven and earth?"

Your right... that seems impossible. But it's really simple actually - all He asks us for is our praise.

""Dynamic power is given to those who sincerely acknowledge God's power. God generously shares resources of omnipotence with devoted followers so that abundant life may be theirs.""

Dynamic power? Resources of omnipotence?? I have a hard time getting my feeble mind around what that would look like - but sure sounds like something I want. But you see - both of those statements have a catch - sincerely acknowledge God's power and become a devoted follower. Too often we forget our part and just stand there like a greedy child with our hands out - expecting something from Him while offering nothing in return.

So what is my part? Sincerely acknowledge... be a devoted follower. I'm afraid that is harder than it sounds.... But I have also learned that when we step towards Him - He runs to us ... He is waiting to help us... I know me. I know that I don't have it all together and will often stumble. But I know my God, my Abba Father, the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, the Lover of my Soul, the Great I Am - is waiting to pick me up - and carry me if He has to - to see the work He has started in me to completion. "To bless God is to acknowledge gratefully what He is; but to bless men, God must make of him what he is not and give him what he has not."

"The more we learn about God, the more we understand the primary reason He asks us to surrender everything to Him is to make room to receive what He wants to give. Try as we may, we will never bring anything to God and leave empty handed - unless we forget to take His gifts home."

My blessing for you:
May you see, feel and know how truly and deeply loved you are - not only by others - but by your God, the Maker of Heaven and Earth. Trust in Him and He will be faithful to save you. Praise Him and you will be blessed. May God keep your heart set on pilgrimage until we reach our final destination - Home with Him for eternity.


sarahbeth said...

Yay for finishing your Bible study!!!

Cassi said...

thanks... I was wondering if I was going to get any comments... is that maybe because people disagree??