Sunday, June 8, 2008

Who Can Be Against Me?

I have a busy week ahead so I decided that I better get my homework done while I had the chance. So - I finished ... well, probably not early - but I'm not doing it all on Wednesday right before our meeting time ... so early to me.

And wow - day 5. Maybe this will be a spoiler to some - so don't finish reading until you are done if you think so....

Paraphrasing greatly:

"Regardless of how long we've been Christian and how deeply we've studied God's Word, most of us don't really believe down in the marrow of our bones that God is entirely, wholeheartedly, and unwaveringly on our side. We are secretly convinced that although He had high hopes for His creation - we have proved to be a terrible disappointment but because he is faithful to His covenant, He is obligated to put up with us."

Yep - I've thought that... like now - God we are faithful tithers, why are we having money problems??

Throughout the study we were asked to reflect on the many times that we know would not have worked out had God NOT been on our side.

There are so many... I am blown away. Let's begin with the life that I was living back in Texas... let's just say - "I was looking for love in all the wrong places." So many dangerous situations that I put myself into - that I know HE got me out of. There is no other way that I could have afforded to move here - had it not been for God stepping in and having the company I was going to work for pay for my entire trip. My marriage seemed destined for failure - but now I have a marriage that fairy tales were written about. And then there is my son Christopher.... not only did Satan try to take him away spiritually - but then physically... and within months of each other. God not only turned a lawyer against his own client but baffled a team of doctors!

"Christ will never take us into a battle we can not win. We would have to choose defeat against our new nature. He gazes beneath our sin into the brokenness that causes us to devalue ourselves so thoroughly. He is the ultimate Prince Charming to every woman, especially the one who forgot she was Cinderella."

And then we were asked to rewrite Romans 8:28-39 as personal statements from God to us - as I Will statements.

Here's mine:

My child Cassandra,
I will make sure all things work together for your good.
I will give you all things.
I will make you like my Son.
I will glorify you.
I will give you full victory.
I will never leave you.
Love, God

So now as I battle the fear of my dear son growing up and leaving.... I have to remind myself: That He is His God too - and if He is on his side, then who can be against him?


Nicky Stade said...

Your post gave me chills! Here I am, drinking hot coffee, and my arms are all goosebumpy!! I love it! I hope you'll share on Wednesday night...will you consider it? I'd love for you to give a testimony before we begin the video, so pray about it, okay?

Terri said...

Amen!!! Great blog Cassie!