Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Habits Don't Form Overnight

I wrote about this once before - back on May 1st. = I think we have a conclusion...

Jake has been having Night Terrors for the last 2 months. He has been waking up in the middle of the night - eyes wide open but not awake - screaming at the top of his lungs about snakes, bugs or other creepy crawlers all over him and his bed. He has no fear during the day - remembers very little of what happened the night before and goes to bed the next night with no problems. But night after night, there is something attacking him.

I finally told Pastor John about the Night Terrors on Sunday. He prayed for Jake a very short and simple prayer that God would take these fears away. That night when going to bed, John said to Jake, "Good night buddy, I hope you don't have any bad dreams tonight."

Jake replied, "I won't. Pastor John prayed for me." Ahhhh ... the faith of a child. If we could all be like that. He went to bed with no fear that night - in fact he kinda strided off to bed with confidence - and had his first full night of sleep in over 2 months. And... he had another last night. Yes - praise be to God.

I have been questioning God lately... about these terrors... about how my mom could be sick and in the hospital on Christopher's graduation day... Questioning His timing...

And then on Sunday - we were singing "He Reigns"

Our God
Is an awesome God
He reigns from heaven above
With wisdom, power and love
Our God is an awesome God
Our God is an awesome God

When I hit that word - wisdom... He reigns with wisdom.... I had to hang my head and ask for forgiveness. How could I possibly question Him - the Creator of Heaven and Earth? How could I possibly question His wisdom???

And in His infinite wisdom... I believe I have been able to see just why these night terrors have been happening. First I must say that I have researched the night terrors - and although they are horrific for the parents - the children rarely have any recollection of what happened and have no lasting effects.

But what it has done has create a prayer life for Jake. It has given Jake a reason to seek Him nightly... to draw Jake closer to Him... to cause Jake to want to call out to Him.
Because God knows that habits don't form over night - they take time.. this has established a pattern for Jake of nightly prayer.... and not just because mom says he should... but a relationship all his own.... If that is His reason for the night terrors - then I am eternally grateful.


Alexis said...

I didn't realize this was still happening...or *was* still happening I guess...

It's amazing to me how much blessing comes from God's plan when we so clearly have other ideas for how it should go.

Nicky Stade said...

That's so awesome! I'm glad that everything worked out, and I'm so happy that Jake has such a strong faith! =) I'm still praying for your mom, too.

sarahbeth said...

That's great Cassi!
I developed a prayer life really early on for the same type of reason. It's hard to explain over the internet, but anyway, no one was there to comfort me except Jesus (and the childlike faith helped a lot). It's carried over into my semi-adult life too! Sooo...I'm really happy for Jake!

And on a totally different subject, I think I want the guy to win (Petrozza?). He's the only one not given to female conniving. :)

sharkiepatronus said...

I am so glad that he has been sleeping better. I have been trying to remember him at night when I pray. That bit about wisdom is so true... and it reminded me of something I was thinking about. How often the worship songs just speak to where I am, I know that they could speak to lots of places, but that when we are there with our Abba, he shows us how the words apply... (hmm I may have to blog about that...)