Thursday, September 25, 2008

Am I making him a prodigal?

I just got home from dress rehearsal... and on the way home I was listening to Focus on the Family. They had a speaker who was talking about prodigals. But it wasn't the usual story - it was a challenge to those of us who have judged someone into becoming a prodigal. Without the criticism most likely they would have never left...

He went on to speak to parents: Watch out that we are not missing out on the good things that our kids are doing because all we can see is the bad. Yes, they are trying your last nerve with some of their actions or what they chose to wear ... but the other day when they showed kindness to the stranger? - that was the behavior that Jesus is looking for. He is not having committee meetings about someones clothes or their style of worship.

Another note to parents. Drop the guilt. Stop worrying about how others are judging your parenting. After all - we have the perfect Father with a book full of examples of His children turning away from Him.

Bottom line: He told 2 stories of people that he met in his life - that although they were very conservative in their own behavior, their heart knew no boundaries on who to love. They did not compromise on their beliefs but it did not stop them from loving someone... boldly, physically, plainly.... looking past the sagging pants or the hair - and just giving them a hug.

So, now I have to question myself and my own actions... have I been too critical? Have I shown him just how much I love him? Just how wonderful I think he is? How talented and gifted he is? How much greatness I see in him?? What a blessing he has been to my life?

Probably not... all I have been able to see is that hat...


Miss Candice said...

Well... now you can just make a point to do so from this point on. Not that you have been doing anything wrong as a parent... I think we will be learning our whole lives, and even when you're a parent you're going to have to learn and improve. No parent will ever to EVERYTHING right.

Alexis said...

This is a good message for the church as a whole. Loving people where they are but with standards at the same time.

Good blog cassi.